Sit back and be mesmerized IsdePaninMe, the youtube chanel created for Edutainment is where you can find Caribbean and Steelpan music to fill your appetite of all styles, genres and cultural music artistic expression
You will find a playlist of Steelband Calypsoes celebrating our National Instrument.
90+ tracks
Steelpan music is a noise that is for the ear that listens for riffs, and trebles, and tenors, and bass and for middle Cs to the G
Steelpan music is the unfamiliar, yet most intimate sound created in the 20th century
This musical invention was born in the country of Trinidad and Tobago
11 Aug is the World Steelpan Day and wherever the sounds of Steelpan play, let it be remembered for its beginning on an island in the Caribbean, the birthplace of this invention, Trinidad and Tobago and its reach to global communities celebrating global connectedness.
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